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Fine Motor
I'll Wait Mr. Panda
Story board felts provided by Ivy Handmade Designs
I'm a T. Rex
Loose parts play box including:
1. Plastic dinosaurs
2. Green applesauce pouch lids
3. Disposable coffee lids
4. Spiral Noodles
5. Wooden Thimbles
6. Tiny trees from Hobby Lobby
1. Plastic dinosaurs
2. Green applesauce pouch lids
3. Disposable coffee lids
4. Spiral Noodles
5. Wooden Thimbles
6. Tiny trees from Hobby Lobby
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Story board felts provided by Ivy Handmade Designs
I'll Wait Mr. Panda
Loose parts play box including:
1. Plastic pandas
2. Wooden bamboo
3. Black beans
4. Green applesauce pouch lids
5. Straight noodles
6. Green glass beads
1. Plastic pandas
2. Wooden bamboo
3. Black beans
4. Green applesauce pouch lids
5. Straight noodles
6. Green glass beads
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Lettering matching activity
Dear Zoo
Giraffe neck counting from Teachers Pay Teachers
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Chocolate chip letter tracing
Pete the Cat: Groovy Buttons
Button sorting by colors
Penguin on Vacation
Feeding the penguin
The Snowy Day
Loose parts play box including:
1. White pom poms
2. Red straws
3. Red wooden blocks
4. Lasagna Noodles
5. Clear glass beads
6. Small wooden sticks
1. White pom poms
2. Red straws
3. Red wooden blocks
4. Lasagna Noodles
5. Clear glass beads
6. Small wooden sticks
Goodnight Moon
Storytelling felts
Goodnight Moon
Loose Part Box made out off:
1. Styrofoam ball painted like moons
2. Wooden thimbles
3. Green applesauce pouch lids
4. Yellow stars cut out of foam
5. White plastic bunnies
6. Slices of a green pool noodle
1. Styrofoam ball painted like moons
2. Wooden thimbles
3. Green applesauce pouch lids
4. Yellow stars cut out of foam
5. White plastic bunnies
6. Slices of a green pool noodle
The Pout Pout Fish
Story board felts provided by Ivy Handmade Designs
The Pout Pout Fish
Loose parts box from:
1.Blue Pom-Poms
2. Blue applesauce lids
3. Multi-colored plastic fish
4. Blue plastic ice cubes
5. Glass stones
6. Multi-colored fish
1.Blue Pom-Poms
2. Blue applesauce lids
3. Multi-colored plastic fish
4. Blue plastic ice cubes
5. Glass stones
6. Multi-colored fish
The Giving Tree
Giving Tree Story Board Felts
Curious George & the Firefighters
Curious George & the Firefighters Board Felts
Big Red Barn
Mini popsicle puppets to retell the story.
Pete the Cat and His Groovy Buttons
Kids use pipe cleaners and buttons to make bracelets.
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site
Complete the pattern with construction vehicle stickers
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